Stronger Together: Strong Affiliates’ Experience at SBC Summit 2024

What makes a partnership strong? At SBC Summit 2024, it was clear that it’s more than just meetings or deals.

For Strong Affiliates, the Summit was all about creating connections that go beyond Lisbon, ones that last and grow.  

Your visits to the Strong Affiliates stand brought forth a lot of ambition and a shared vision for the future. It wasn’t the typical back-and-forth about commissions or quick wins, it was more about finding common ground to build something together.

Strong Affiliates (Maddison, Sebastian & Addison) at SBC Summit 2024

As Maddison Newton, Head of Affiliates at Strong Affiliates, put it: “Lisbon made one thing clear: great deals don’t happen by chance; they come from shared goals and real understanding. 

Today’s chance encounter could be tomorrow’s legacy.”

Whether it was a chat at the stand or vibing at Strong’s Midnight Secrets Party, these are the interactions that could grow into something much bigger for both you and Strong Affiliates.

The connections made in Lisbon are just the start. Did you miss the chance to meet the team? The door is still open to build something strong together. Discover how partnering with Strong Affiliates can work wonders for your profitability. It’s time to strengthen your growth—make it happen!