The Strong Spot: An Exclusive Chat with Sebastian Mihai

Today on ‘Sharing Strength’, meet Sebastian Mihai, Affiliate Manager, here to reveal empowering insights. Discover the stories that define Strong Affiliates!

Sebastian, as an affiliate manager, how do you make sure that the brands you promote are known for their fair play and transparency?

This is vital for maintaining trust and a solid reputation. Here are some steps I take to achieve this:

First, I conduct thorough background checks and gather feedback from customers and partners. This helps me understand how the brand is perceived and if there are any red flags. It’s also essential to verify that the brand offers responsible gaming tools, has clear and straightforward terms and conditions, and provides customer support that gives honest and helpful answers.

Moreover, I believe in experiencing the brand’s platform personally. By using its services firsthand, I can better assess its fairness, transparency, and overall user experience. This way, I can confidently promote brands that truly prioritize fair play and transparency.

Fair play is essential for building trust. How do you help your partners convey the transparency and fairness of the brands?

Good communication is key, so I make sure to be transparent about any issues or changes that might come up. This means sharing information openly and making sure that all terms and conditions are easy to understand. By doing this, my partners can feel confident in the brands they promote.

It’s important to be honest and straightforward when discussing any aspect of our partnership.

How does Strong Affiliates ensure that the brands you promote uphold the highest standards of fair play and transparency?

At Strong Affiliates, we have a comprehensive evaluation process in order to make sure our brands respect the utmost standards when it comes to fair play and transparency, here are some key steps we follow.

Clear Terms and Conditions: Brands must have terms and conditions that are easy to understand, so there are no surprises for customers.

Support for Responsible Gambling: We’re serious about responsible gambling, and this is reflected in our customer service policies.

Transparency in Communication: Keeping communication open and clear is key. This includes providing straightforward information on rules, payout percentages, and bonus terms.

Ongoing Monitoring and Feedback: We keep a close eye on how brands perform and value feedback from customers and partners to make continuous improvements.

Comprehensive Testing: Before any brand goes live, the team thoroughly test it to ensure it meets the standards for fairness and transparency.

And this is only the tip of the iceberg. There’s a lot more going on behind the scenes to make sure everything stays top-notch.

What’s the most creative way you’ve seen affiliates highlight the fairness and integrity of the brands they represent?

One of the most creative ways I’ve seen affiliates highlight the fairness and integrity of the brands they represent is through immersive storytelling and interactive content. Using high-quality graphics and realistic animations, they make the experience both engaging and enjoyable for users. This approach effectively showcases the brand’s commitment to fair play in a fun and memorable way.

On a lighter note, what’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you during a virtual meeting or work-from-home day?

That’s a tough one to pick. I think the funniest moment was having a call with a partner while he was stuck in traffic because he couldn’t make it to the office in time for our monthly meeting. I was totally up for rescheduling, but he insisted on having it at the agreed time. It was pretty funny, and we joked about it afterward. To be honest, apart from the casual remarks on some people’s driving styles, it was a pretty productive and professional meeting. Big props to him!